Thursday, October 6, 2016

Equal Oppurtunity Offender

If you follow this blog, are a Facebook friend of mine, or have ever just met me, you know that I operate pretty much without a filter.  If I find something humorous or observable, I will state it.  I never mean to offend but hell, all humor is based on some sort of pain.  I actually wrote a paper in college called "I Only Laugh When It Hurts" describing that very premise.  My influences growing up were Bill Cosby (sorry, but he was a pretty funny guy), George Carlin, Woody Allen, Alan Sherman, and Tom Lehrer.  Not to mention The Smothers Brothers, Laugh In, Pat Paulsen, and Early Saturday Night Live.  These are my roots.  I learned from all of this (and my Mom who had such a cutting wit) that it needs to be universal.  I can't be afraid to make fun of something or someone due to race, religion, gender.  I figure if I am as universal as possible it explains that I have no issue, in reality, with any of them.  And I don't! 

I say all of this because I was once chastised for making Jewish jokes.  I was told as a Jew I shouldn't make fun of my people because that makes it okay for others to put us down.  Oddly Judaism is full of humor.  Some of the best comedians and comic writers are Jewish.  The Talmud, from what I understand, is a virtual laugh riot.  Oddly the best comedians do tend to be minorities because laughing at yourself helps to get you past a lot of the pain.  I truly think they movement towards political correctness has hurt this and we see it in the oversensitivity in our society.  But I digress into the seriousness.

I do, by the way, have my limits.  I do not joke about the Holocaust.  I find nothing funny in slavery.  And I try to steer clear of the Inquisition (thought kudos to Mel Brooks and Monty Python).  and actually I did make a comment once about the Jews building the pyramids (still waiting for my 40 acres and a camel) and they should have had one of us do the nose job on the Sphinx, cause, well look at it.

So really this is all a preamble to something that hit me a few weeks back.  It's one of those, I can't believe someone else hadn't thought of this years ago.  And for all I know, someone did.

I was going to dinner with a friend I hadn't seen in years and someone I work with said they had a Groupon for the place 10% off.  When I looked it up I found 25% off and it hit me, that with that big of a discount they should really call a Jewpon!!

Yes yes, poor taste, but at least its better than using that word to discuss a JAP's (Jewish American Princess) sanitary products.

Yep, the week between Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur, probably not the best time for observations.

Take Care all