Monday, April 20, 2015

The New Star Wars Trailer

The New Star Wars Trailer



Most asked question this weekend?  Did you see the new Star Wars trailer?  Well yeah!!


Initial reaction, loved it!!  Looks great.  Has a real Star Wars sense to it.  I love the dialogue from Luke and the way it mirrors his lines from Jedi.  I like the look of (is it) Tattooine and the crashed Star Destroyer.  I like seeing Darth Vader, R2D2, Luke’s light saber, the T.I.E. Fighters and X Wings and all the other pieces that bring me back to the Galaxy, long ago and oh so far away.  And then to end it with Han and Chewie.  WOW!


I’m an old world Star Wars fan.  I don’t need to know every name and place and actor and character.  I don’t need more than something that whet’s my Star Wars appetite, so I won’t focus on the minutiae.  There are a couple of things that I did notice that I thought I’d mention.


Luke speaks of his family having the force.  I thought it quite interesting that he says, “My father has it.”  Yes, has, not had.  What exactly does he mean by that?  Is it just that Anakin is still part of the living force, or is there something we will be learning?  And who is he talking to?  I’m thinking his niece or nephew.  I’m guessing as he becomes the Obi Wan of the new trilogy and that he has no kids. But he talks about his family as if he is talking to his family.


I loved seeing Han and Chewie.  I loved the way they mimicked the publicity still from the original film.  But after numerous viewings I got to thinking about what he is wearing.  He’s older, obviously, and the old pirate outfit just doesn’t seem to fit (literally, it seemed a bit big on him).  I can only imagine the Solo kids being pretty embarrassed about it.  “Dad!! You aren’t going out in that old thing again, are you??”


And then my mind wandered on to Chewbacca.  I am assuming at some point before this trilogy he became Uncle Chewie in the Solo household.  And he spent a lot of time with the kids, probably even babysitting.   Now in the politically incorrect 70’s and early 80’s (how I long for those days), no one would give it a second thought.  But now, in the hypersensitivity of the 21st century, don’t you think people are going to have a problem with Chewie hanging around these kids with no clothes on?  With his junk just out there? 


Seriously, in 1977 every bad guy was British and no one said a word.  In 1999 Watto came off with a bit of a New York accent and there was hate speak about him being a stereotypical cheap Jew.  Remember how the Neimodians were supposed to be an insult to Asians and don’t get me started on all the crap about Jar Jar BInks.  And we were nowhere near as sensitive then as we are today.  C’mon, we live n a world where Dr. McCoy (yes I can cross franchises) is viewed as a racist by some because of the way he talked to Spock (pointy eared, green blooded, goblin, etc.)  I can’t believe we are going to let a 7 foot naked male around the kids without any backlash.  And what about Wookiescaping?  Not even going to go there.


Of course, I don’t give a shit about all the PC stuff but, as I said, my mind wandered.


Gotta tell you, I am looking forward to December and seeing a new entry into what is possibly my favorite film franchise.


Yep, gotta say it.  Something that was only said twice in the original.


May the Force Be With You!!

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