Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Get to know Gregg -- Hey that's me!!

So this survey at work included an "Ask Gregg Stickeler" question.  Here's what they asked and what I answered.
BTW -- there was a picture of me looking up above the survey question.
We asked Gregg Stickeler, Sr. Vice President of Client Services, and he answered. If you would like the NSFW answers, please see Gregg.


  1. Your always in a good mood. Whats the secret to your happiness? I live by  important quotes.  Yoda – “Do or do not, there is no try.” And Alfred E Newman – “What, me worry?”  and John Winger – “It’s a little cute”  And really, I just like being around.
  2. why do you look so Orange in this Picture? Testing out a new make-up.  Thinking Oompa Loompa for Halloween (don’t tell anyone)
  3.  What is important to you in your life right now? Everything and finding a date
  4. What your favorite thing about being a Dad? My Kids
  5. What's up Mr. G.  New York, New Jersey, New England – oh, sorry, that’s what’s new.  The sky.  7.  Time
  6. If you had to choose between your Star Wars or Star Trek memorabilia, which would you keep? Sophie’s Choice, huh?  I think it would have to be my Star Wars stuff
  7. what are you looking at? New York, New Jersey, . . . no, I mean Up!
  8.  What's on the calendar for the next Geekend? It’s a slow one this week Son of Flubber, Free Comics, watching the Supergirl pilot (again).  Saturday night is wide open – just sayin’!!
  9. To what do you owe your success? Natural charm and a well honed shovel
  10. What are you looking at (in this picture)? Blue, I think we should paint it blue
  11. Who is your least favorite main Star Wars character, and why? It’s between Chief Chirpa and Sy Snootles but I think I have to go with  Sy Snootles.  I liked her at first but she’s really just a tease and not very nice to people who try to be nice to her.  But can’t deny her those gorgeous lips.  (and you thought I was going to say Jar Jar)
  12. Are you going to enjoy your new neighbor? Uhm, yes.  I enjoyed all my neighbors (with Fava Beans and a nice Chianti)
  13. Did you have nice memorial weekend?  Very nice.  Friend from back east came to visit.  Renamed it Miramorial weekend in her honor.  Saw a play called Entropy Friday night (which we all thoroughly enjoyed), dinner at Umami Burger (I had the Ahi Tuna to be good).  Saturday featured the Absent Minded Professor and free comic books.  After dropping the kids off we went for a walk at rattlesnake park and then  to Kravings and saw dancers (and ate and drank).  Sunday we had breakfast at Bea Bea’s followed by Warner Brothers Studio tour.  Got the kids, had pork loin (cooked in Root bear and smothered with BBQ sauce) and corn on the cob for dinner with the kids.  Played Hollywood Game Night (home Edition) which I kicked major Booty on).  Monday we went to the Science Center to see the IMAX pic Jerusalem 3D followed by the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Space Shuttle.  Tried to find Wayne Manor but there’s an 8 foot wall in front of the property.  Saw the fork in the road in Pasadena, Doc Brown’s house and Michael Myers house.  Pizza Rev for dinner.  Played Clue Jr (I won – Mrs. Peacock at 3:00 with a cola). Pretty standard 3 day weekend stuff.  Hey –[- You asked.
  14. If a client wants to poll how many angels could dance on the head of a pin, how big a sample do we need to pull?  It would have to  be a really small sample for them to fit on that pin.
  15. Where do you stand on "grey jedi”? Just below the chin (right around the neck area)
  16. aside from star wars, what is your favorite movie? Oddly Star Wars is not my favorite movie as I  have a few I would put in that category (all depends on mood, time of day, where I am).  Top list would include – Carrie (the good one by Brian DePalma), 2001, Phantom of the Paradise, Star Trek II (wrath of Kahn)
  17. So what are your kids current favorite TV series? Do you share the same favorites? And Why?  We are currently watching Glee and Friends.  A lot.  Without me George watches Psyched and Adventure Time.  Victoria watches Girl Meets World (I sometimes watch with her) and Full House.  When we aren’t watching Friends (which I swear is nonstop, we’ve gone through 6 seasons in a month) we love and I mean totally love the Flash.  Once Upon a Time, Modern Family, the Goldberg’s (all three have fallen behind because of friends)  And Jeopardy.  Due to the schedule I have to record that and we are usually a day or two behind.  I was thrilled last week when my Kids correctly answered “Who are the Ruttles?” before I did.
  18. Have you ever thought about dying your hair to match your eyebrows? Could make you look 15 years younger.  Little known fact, my hair is the color of my eyebrows.  I actually spend quite a pretty penny to frost the hair and beard.
  19. How many times have you been around the world? Almost once.  I’ve been from Philly to Germany and from LA to India (and to Australia) so I am missing Austria to Pakistan (one of these days though, one of these days!)
  20. When's the next haircut? DK  I have this tendency to let it get a bit too long  I like living on the edge that way.  And yes CRR, I will have the eyebrows trimmed!
  21. What's with the Black chicks? Though most commonly hatched white or yellow, there are many different colors of baby chickens (or as referenced here, chicks).  The most common variety of black feathered baby chickens are  the offspring of the Australorp an Australian breed of Orpingtons imported from the UK.
  22. What advice would you give someone just starting in market research?   It’ll only take a few minutes and you will find it interesting.  Oh wait, that’s for someone starting a market research survey.   Do everything there is to do.  Get on the phones, monitor, look over data and tabs.  Ask a lot of questions of everyone you encounter while you are learning.  
  23. I love Star Trek but my partner Loves Star Wars Prequels, whats the best way to break it off? Watch Episode I together and insist on repeating all of Jar Jar’s lines with Chekov’s accent.
  24. Was being president of the Battery Club in high school as glamorous as they say? Battery Club President was the pinnacle of my Jr and Sr. High School years.  I was well known and recognized and referred to respectfully as Bunny.  The funniest was when they would ask me AC or DC.  On top of that, there is a full page dedicated to me and the club in my senior yearbook titled, You’ll Get A Real Charge From These Nerds”  My parents were so proud.
  25. How large has Myra's hat collection gotten?  She has over 100 hats in the collection and actually needed to expand into a second room annex.  I still have more mugs.
  26. Which client are you anxiously awaiting to go bankrupt? One of the ones who has already paid us.
  27. Is it true that one of George Lucas' new character's is named Grrrregg Malventris? Yes, well, seriously no.  well actually I have nary a clue on this one
  28. what is the flight speed of a swallow   European Swallow, unladen, 24 miles per hour (fun fact – they only actually beat their wings 18 times per second).  What’s with all the bird questions? I’m a Doctor not an ornithologist! 
  29. What is the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek?  The last name
  30. Cake or Pie?    Cake – unless it’s Banana or Coconut cream, then pie.  Unless it’s German Chocolate or Ice Cream, then it’s cake.    

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