Friday, April 17, 2015

How to bring down ISIS!

Sometimes images just pop in my head.  Things I find amusing or interesting or entertaining.  So I'm talking to a friend about some pictures he saw of ISIS or some other terrorist organization transporting weapons.  He tells me that clearly on the side of the missiles you could see the name of the US based defense contractor that manufactured the weapons.  So I say, "You know what would be great?  The first thing that ISIS does when the get or steal these weapons, before they do anything else, they should paint STARK Industries on the side.  Cause that would be really funny."

And I think about this and how funny it would be when these pics show up on the news and there on the side is Stark Industries.  And then I start thinking about Disney (which owns Marvel) and how pissed they'd be (other than the free advertising) and said, "and then Disney would sue them and . . . "  And it comes to me.  They would bring ISIS down in one fell economic swoop.

Of course, I gotta figure out how to get them to paint STARK Industries on those things first.

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